Sunday, April 29, 2012

Discuss Illinois' pension problems and solutions in Glenview Monday, April 30

It is no secret that the State of Illinois' pension system is a major player in our state's financial woes.

Illinois State Rep. Daniel Biss (9th Dist.) has proposed two bills intended on help reform the system and offer some relief.  One bill sets up a new plan for future public employees. The second is a benefits buyout program allowing current employees to take an immediate payout now in exchange for future benefits.

How much will these bills help? What other steps are needed? What is the likelihood of his bills passing? What are the political roadblocks needing to be navigated before Illinois can be on firmer fiscal footing?

Rep. Biss invites Illinois citizens, within and outside his district, to participate in a townhall discussion to learn more and offer feedback.

Monday, April 30,  7 p.m.

Glenview Police Station
2500 W. Lake Ave.
Glenview, IL 60026

More information can be found on Rep. Biss' website.