Thursday, June 22, 2017

Met performance and creativity coach Marta Lettofsky at Women Belong

Marta offers free monthly Inner Artist workshops on Chicago's north side. They include guided journaling, small group discussion and the chance to look at the fears and obstacles that show up around ones art.

“Performance anxiety, writer's block, dealing with rejections are just some of the very normal reactions to a life in the arts. Turning in toward those sticky places, with safety and support, will bring more clarity, confidence, courage and creativity to your work and life,” says Marta.

Details about Marta and her June 25 workshop is at

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Women Belong is a new organization for women (by birth or identity) dedicated to supporting their business and personal development.

Lunch at 90 Mile Cafe in Lincolnwood was my first time attending one of their luncheons. Seeing some familiar faces there--like Angela Valavanis', Jennifer Guth's, Tazima Davis', Sharan Tash's and Nancy Benjamin's--was nice. The formal and informal networking was time well spent, very useful. Conversations got deep in the line to the buffet when we got talking about being LGBTQ and how family members and colleagues adjust, or not, to their loved ones or friends coming out.

One of my tag lines for this group is "Come as you are. Cussing accepted." Another one: Women Who Get Shit Done." The laundry hanging in the hall on the way to the restrooms seemed appropriate for this group, especially the bra.