Tuesday, February 13, 2018

POTTY-MOUTHED: The Performance February 22

Radio veterans
Author Anne Johnsos
and Charlie Meyerson

Once upon a time, in the land of Chicago there lived a mom and dad and their two girlies. Their perspective of the world was like no other. This amused their parents, and their parents’ friends, so much so that the girlie’s mom published a book about the girlie's innocent ass-hattery: POTTY-MOUTHED: Big Thoughts from Small Brains.

Also in the land of Chicago, before the girlies were even born, lived another mom and dad with their three boychiks. They too saw the world like no other. This amused their parents so much so that journals were kept to contain their most humorous and profound utterances.

With permission from their kids, the girlies' mom, Anne Johnsos, and the boychiks' dad, Charlie Meyerson, will perform a reading of the often hysterical, sometimes sweet moments delivered by their kids recently and years ago.

You’re invited to the party.

POTTY-MOUTHED: The Performance

Thursday, February 22
6:30 p.m. cocktails and book buying
M Lounge
1520 S. Wabash

You might learn what "milkers" and "noo-noos" are and maybe how to say "hello" in German according to a 6-year-old.

“Free” event. Cash bar.
Consider eating before you come, because no food is sold at M Lounge.

POTTY-MOUTHED, the book, will be on sale for $20.

Hope to see you there. Cyberspace is only fun for so long.

Anne recently spoke to WGN's Rick Kogan about her family and the book. Hear it here.

She and I had some back and forth too. Read it here.

For more information, contact me, the evening's impresario at karenkring8@gmail.com.