Given these perilous economic times, how can a company best utilize its resources in order to survive and even thrive? Wheeling author and corporate executive Ken Kring says seeing how all the pieces of the business fit and work together, and sometimes don’t work together, is key.
On Monday evening, September 28, Kring will discuss how anyone in business can draw a business strategy map and create workable, realistic strategic plans to operate from. Anyone interested can join in the discussion from 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Hackney's, 241 S. Milwaukee Ave, Wheeling. This book discussion and signing is free, but seating is limited, so reserving a spot soon is advised. For more information or to reserve a spot, contact Ken at kkring@businessstrategymapping.com.
“Especially in these times, superior strategy followed by decisive action will allow even small companies to overthrow larger ones and maintain a leadership positions,” Kring says.
Kring’s recently released book, Business Strategy Mapping: The Power of Knowing How It All Fits Together, offers clear and practical steps to understanding how any company works and how to use strategy mapping to adjust to the new business landscapes and succeed.
The stories offered in the book include people from senior managers to line employees and are geared toward a broad audience—entrepreneurs; CEOs; venture capitalists, middle managers; product managers; marketing, finance, operations and IT managers; and students of business.
Through true stories and “business fables,” the first part of the book discusses how “Kring Strategy Mapping” (KSM) was founded and how business flows from potential to profit. Part two discusses how to use the mapping to create plans and act on them while better connecting with other departments in the company.
My brother Ken Kring grew up in Morton Grove (where our mom still lives). He went to Hynes School, Golf Jr High (back when it was called a junior high) and Niles North, where he was on the swim team. He earned his BS in Business Administration from DePaul University and his MBA from Northwestern University where his focus was marketing, finance, management and strategy.
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